Thursday, October 31, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of House of Blue Leaves Essay

Rhetorical Analysis of House of Blue Leaves - Essay Example Guare a chance to associate hope of a better life to Vatican and Hollywood. At the time, there was war at Vietnam and America was in the verge of losing thus forcing everybody to look for a way out. As such, in the play, all the characters who are middle or working –class in this black comedy, sought refuge in celebrity life from their humdrum lives. This mix of black comedy with social commentary and real drama faced many critics who thought that the play fails to address serious issues due to its comedic nature (Shapiro 1966). Nevertheless, it enjoyed equal support and indeed went ahead to record 337 performances and won several awards including the Best American Play in the New York Drama critics Circle Award. This paper will address an arguable claim related to the play. The clam is that, â€Å"isolation or a feeling of not belonging forms the foundation of the play, The House of Blue Leaves. All characters in the play seek to move from their status to a presumably better position.† The main character is a middle-class married zookeeper, acting as Artie. Artie is not comfortable with his zookeeping job and he has a conviction to achieve better things. As such, he does the zookeeping job during the day and attends amateur night to play his original songs despite being the oldest person in the amateur. He is destined to make a for wand move though some circumstances limit his quest. Indeed, we can sense his dissatisfaction and sense of not belonging where the play opens with him on the stage of the El Dorado Bar & Grill playing the piano as he sings his songs. However, his frustration manifests when he cannot get a spotlight and the audience ignores his singing. Nevertheless, he continues to sing and when he finishes with no applause from the audience, he quits a disappointed man with an urge to become a better songwriter. He claims his aspirations are old enough despite his middle age and thus his urge to achieve this bothers him so much. His p ursuit to become a songwriter is seemingly absurd as he even plans to abandon his schizophrenic wife, Bananas, and their unstable soldier son for the sake of realizing his dreams. Actually, he desperately seeks to escape to Hollywood with his mistress, Bunny Flingus who stays just downstairs. Most unfortunately is the fact that despite his absurd ambitions, most of his songs are terrible. Indeed, everybody can sense that he has no talent and his dreams may be in vain. Nevertheless, he is prepared to do anything to become a songwriter who will win Oscar awards. As seen herein, the main character is in a world that he does not enjoy a feeling of belonging. Indeed, despite his age, middle –class status, family commitments, and a schizophrenic wife, Artie is still convinced that he can become celebrated songwriter and thus puts a lot of effort to it (Shapiro 1966). In fact, despite his current songs being terrible and the audience showing no interest in them, he aims to be at the top. However, his dreams draw some absurdity where he even plans to abandon his needy family to pursue his ambitions in Hollywood. Again, Artie is not comfortable with his schizophrenic wife and therefore does not have a feeling of belonging to her hence looking for a mistress just downstairs. Another character who is seemingly not enjoying his status is Bunny Flingus, the downstairs neighbor of Artie. Indeed,

Monday, October 28, 2019

C P Snow and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Essay Example for Free

C P Snow and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Essay The scientist and the literary intellectual represent two cultures that are drifting apart from each other to such an extent that each is becoming increasing ignorant of and alien to the other, and because they must represent a body of knowledge as a whole, the consequence is that, though specialization, both the scientist and the intellectual are becoming effectively ignorant. Analysis: Though C P Snow claims to be speaking from a common ground between the two cultures that he envisages, I would argue that he is squarely placed in the scientific camp, and is by no means an intellectual. The manner in which he describes the rift between the two cultures has a distinct whiff of â€Å"shallow optimism† about it, which is the intellectual trait of the scientist. He advocates a simple dialogue between the two camps, which is very much reminiscent of Enlightenment thinking, which, before the advent of modern science, maintained that scientific education was the key to overcoming all social ills, and dialogue is but a means to educate each other. Snow is right in thinking that the two camps had grown apart unawares, and that at one time the cultured man endeavored to keep abreast of knowledge as a whole. But a fundamental point seems to escape him, and that is that modern science entails specialization, and neither does he suspect that it could be the root of the problem. While he acknowledges the existence of specialization in science, he tries to make out that it need not be divisive. His advocacy is of a holistic understanding, and on the strength of this plea he wants to effect a negotiation between the two camps. â€Å"Don’t carry your specializations too far,† he seems to be saying to both the scientists and the intellectuals, â€Å"because both the arts and the sciences are important, and one is in danger of becoming ignorant if one loses complete touch with any one of them. † The propositional content of his plea is correct, but the mistake is to sound it on the platform of modern science, which is divisive in its fundamental aspect. If one is committed to the scientific outlook one must live with specialization. We can take his example about the literary intellectual knowing the second law of thermodynamics as a testing point. He thinks that literary intellectual should at least know this law, which is accepted among physicists as being fundamentally significant. The equivalent feat of for a physicist would be of having read a play by Shakespeare, he suggests. But concentrating on the first point, why should one know the second law of thermodynamics if one will never question its validity? Science functions by constant questioning, and no scientist is ever trained to carry absolute dictates about with him. A literary intellectual may come to it in two ways. He may absorb it as in inviolable dictate, in which case it would not be science at all. Or he may come to it with the proper outlook of the scientist, which is the questioning one. If on the second trajectory, he may either be captivated by the question, or he may deem it not worth his while. If he is captivated, and he remains honest to his intellectual proclivities, then he cannot but pursue the question further, to the detriment of usual literary occupation. But it is more likely that he deems it not worth his while, in which case he returns to the field in which he is proficient and interested. And in due course, through neglect, he forgets how to state the scientific principle at all. If the last is the most natural and likeliest outcome, there is little point in pushing the second law of thermodynamics to the literary man. He has arrived at the status quo of not knowing the law at all, because that is the most natural state of affairs for him. In his situation he has better things to occupy himself with. For Snow to suggest that he ought to know the second law smacks of the arrogance of science, which is an arrogance rooted in naive optimism. Then again, a scientist should only be expected to enjoy a performance of Shakespeare, but certainly not to analyze it. Literary understanding calls for a profound understanding of human nature, which is certainly not part of the equipment of the scientist, who is trained to detect only empirical evidence. To tell a scientist to analyze King Lear would only confuse him, and if he tried too hard it would blunt his scientific perception. Snow would be better advised to consider the underlying philosophy of science, rather than external practice of the separate disciplines. It is a tacit understanding among members of the scientific society (of which literary intellectual are a part) that each practice his own specialization. Only the fruits are to be enjoyed by all, and this is the true egalitarian dimension of atomized science. The notion of â€Å"progress† comes from the understanding that the fruits of specialization confer on all, and it is this notion of progress that binds all members of scientific society. In its original conception modern science was defined as an egalitarianism of knowledge, and apparent loss of this is what Snow is lamenting. But such egalitarianism has not disappeared; it has only become impractical for a single person to keep up with the expanding body of knowledge. But more important than knowledge sharing is the philosophy that underpins it, and this philosophy still unites the particle physicist and the Shakespeare man. In calling for a new, and strained, egalitarianism of knowledge, Snow is only betraying his naivete of the world, which is the characteristic naivete of the scientist daring to speak on the humanities. Works Cited Snow, Charles Percy. The Two Cultures. Ed. Stefan Collini. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Main Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency

The Main Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile justice is a system of state bodies that execute justice in cases of crimes and offenses committed by juveniles, as well as state and private structures conducting monitoring of correction and rehabilitation of juvenile offenders and the prevention of juvenile delinquency, family welfare and child rights. In 1824 in New York the first reformatory for children was created to protect them from sharing in prison with adult criminals. In 1831 the Illinois Law foresaw that the punishment of juveniles for certain types of crimes should be distinguished from punishment for adults. In 1869 in Boston (Massachusetts) the court hearing to deal specifically with cases of inconsistencies juveniles was first organized and it was implemented the first experience of the Terms of Probation (educational supervision), becoming later one of the most common and, according to Americans the most effective methods of treatment of juvenile offenders. U.S. Federal Law already contained a requirement of consideration of cases involving minors under the age of 16 years, apart from cases of adult offenders. Later, in July 1899, in Chicago under Illinois Law About abandoned children, street and crime children and about how they are treated the first Childrens Court was established. Adoption of the Law and the creation of juvenile court was initiated by Lucy Flower, the member of the Chicago Womens Club, Julia Latrop, themember of public organization Hull House, the society of patronage  «Visitation and Aid Society ». To deal with cases of juveniles new issues were introduced: a new concept of law offender as delinquent, which differs from the concept of criminal. This concept has found the consolidation of the status of a juvenile offender, who became the subject of juvenile justice. The first juvenile court was established in Australia (1890), then these courts were established in Canada (1894) and in 1899 in the United States. In connection with the acute need of the society the League of Nations established in 1919 Child welfare Committee, which considered the rights of children mainly in the context of the measures that need to be taken against street children, slavery, child labor, child trafficking and prostitution of minors. Important role in the development of social standards for the protection of children in this period played a non-governmental organizations, in particular the International Save the Children Alliance, founded by an Englishwoman Eglantayn Jebb in 1923 by the Council that was set up shortly before the non-governmental organization the International Save the Children Alliance, Children Rights Declaration. This Declaration, that was named Geneva Declaration, was approved the next year the fifth Assembly of the League of Nations. In 1924 League of Nations in Geneva, at its 5-th session adopted as proposed by the International Children Care Union the Declaration of the Rights of the Chi ld. This was the first document in international law for the protection of the rights and interests of children. In the framework of international protection of human rights of United Nation Organizations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in 1966 the International Covenants on Human Rights. The Declaration and the covenants made a number of provisions specifically relating to the rights and interests of children: the principle of equality of children, the norms of protection of motherhood and childhood, to protect children from exploitation, the right of children to get education. Analyses of the causal factors of criminal behavior of juveniles are complex forms of social behavior, deterministic system of interrelated issues. These issues can be divided into biological and social. Ancestor of biological trends in criminology was the Italian doctor a psychiatrist and criminologist Cesare Lombroso (1836 1909), who linked the criminal conduct of a man with his anatomy. The hypothesis of the existence of such a relationship had an impact on scientists to find the second half of the 20 century. They are, in particular, the theory of Y-chromosome. In accordance with the norm for women is characterized by a set of chromosome-type XX, for men XY. But sometimes there is a pathology associated with the appearance of an extra X or Y-chromosome. Some researchers (Price, Witkin) suggest that the presence of extra » Y-chromosome in males causes a tendency to wrongful conduct. The phenomenon of crime can be more fully explained in addressing the social issues influencing its formation. Social factors can be divided into two groups: macro-and micro social. Macro-factors: 1. Low living standards of the most of population, a strong contrast to the distribution of income in society. 2. Deficiencies in the development of leisure-time system: poor organization of a network of clubs, clubs, sports clubs, the lack of concern for the integration and consolidation in the minors in difficult living conditions and upbringing. 3. Disadvantages of the educational activities of schools and vocational-technical schools. 4. Weaknesses in the employment of minors, as well as training them in the labor collectives. 5. Penetration in youth behavior inconsistent with societal values. An important role is played by the media: movies, series, television, newspaper and magazine articles, as well as the Internet. Micro social issues: 1.Negative influence of the family. Family is the most important social institutions. It is in the family where the formation of the individual adolescent starts. But not all families can be considered to be the favorable background for the development of the child. Contribution of adverse families in juvenile crime by some estimates is 30-35%. 2. Hypo Custody is the lack of proper control over the child, often turning into neglect. 3. Negative influence of informal peer groups. 4. Instigation causeà Ã‚ ² by adult offenders, which, according to the randomized studies, are not less than 30% of cases. As one can easily see from the above mentioned the formation of criminal motivation is affected by a complex of factors. Without knowledge of these factors it is inappropriate to talk about crime prevention, which will be discussed further. United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency The Riyadh Guidelines proclaims the prevention of juvenile delinquency as the permissibility of the prevention of crime in society. The Riyadh Guidelines provides several levels of implementation of measures to prevent juvenile delinquency: The first level of prevention, as general measures, is to promote social justice and equality of opportunity, which, in turn, contributes to eliminate the root causes of crime such as poverty and other forms of marginalization; The second level of prevention, admeasures to help children belonging to high-risk groups, such as those whose parents are experiencing particular difficulties or neglect their parental responsibilities; The third level of prevention, including measures to avoid unnecessary contact with the formal justice system, as well as measures to prevent repeat offenses. In fact, in Riyadh Guiding Principles as an essential component of the first and second levels of prevention, as well as, perhaps, to a lesser extent, prevention, third level, reflected many of the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. For example, the normal standard of living and access to the educational system, the positive values instilled in children, are both the rights of the child (in the Convention), and elements of the first level of prevention (in the Guidelines). As to the second level of prevention, in this regard, both documents are based on the concept of the primary responsibilities of the family to ensure the welfare, protection and upbringing of the child, that reinforced the obligations of signatories to Convention countries to assist families in fulfilling this role and at the same time to intervene in cases when parents clearly are not willing or able to assume these responsibilities. And by encouraging the adoption of retaliatory measur es against the offender, to avoid recourse to legal proceedings, and setting as the primary purpose of any such measures the social reintegration of a child, the Convention thus reflects a problem in the third level of prevention, as outlined in the Guidelines. The consequence of such a uniform approach, of course, should be the maximum development of initiatives supported by the community and to the family. This is not a task only for specialists in the field of juvenile justice, and for a wide range of state and public organizations with competence in this area. There is no doubt partly because of the extent of the tasks, responsibilities of the organizations have not yet been identified, and actions unsystematic. So prevention and reintegration in the full sense of the word still remain the weakest links in the chain of activities to improve the system of juvenile justice. In practice, efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency are in matter-of-fact identical to the observance and protection of child rights, that are proclaimed by The Convention. This is not surprising, but it is rarely mentioned. Besides, there are still many specialist debating often in spite of the documentary evidences on terms that although are not in every sense of the cause of crime, but at least increase their likelihood. For example, the poverty the absolute and relative in some circles is still considered to be motivation for crime, despite the fact that the Riyadh Guidelines has officially recognized as a factor at the international level. In accordance with one of the classifications, two types of prevention are distinguished: primary prevention and rehabilitation (secondary) prevention. The main prevention is the object of its impact on young people who have not committed any illegal acts, and has a preventive nature. Rehabilitation prevention applies to adolescents who have been in contact with the formal system of public justice and is designed to prevent future, perhaps more serious wrongful acts. However, not always possible to track the effectiveness of preventive measures as the percentage of imperfect crime is nowhere recorded. Another classification reflects the prevention of various types of social action and reaction to the growing crime rate. According to this classification, prevention is divided into a punitive, remedial and mechanical. Punitive prevention lies in the threat of punishment, which is intended to intimidate and prevent the commission of criminal acts. Remedial prevention lies in the influence of the causes and factors, which could be a potential trigger for the wrongful conduct. Mechanical prevention is most often used in so-called crime areas, to prevent crime and is enhanced security measures and increased police control. Program of punitive prevention, is widely spread in many countries around the world are trying to curb juvenile delinquency, the emergence of gangs and their involvement in criminal behavior through oversight, including ongoing monitoring by the police, and targeted prosecution. Suppression means active intervention, fully legitimized by the State, it was originally declared as a correct and therefore does not require special justification and absolutely no evaluation of results. The approach from the standpoint of suppression is characterized by the fact that all completely ignores the propaganda of the desired behavior, only suppressing undesirable. External aggression can in many cases only strengthen the cohesion of delinquent adolescent groups, so this kind of prevention makes sense to use when all other measures. In recent years a growing number of opportunities and the relevance of the participation were caused by local communities in the fight against teenagers and young delinquency. There are programs aimed at education and training groups and representatives of local communities that are experiencing growth in a juvenile delinquency to implement informal control over young people and involving young people in the positive activities. Program of individual and group social and psychological assistance include camps, group homes, alternative schools, shelters. Particular attention should be given to homeless teenagers, and teenagers who have lost family or relation to it, left without family education, as they are by virtue of adverse events most at risk of involvement in delinquent activity. Implementing preventive programs they should take into account the linkages teenage delinquent groups with adult organized crime. In addition, delinquent groups may exist with members of local communities. Recent studies have shown that the differentiation of offenders and victims are usually not by sex and age, but by differences within each gender. That is, the perpetrators and victims of the same sex present different types of masculinity or femininity. Thus, when developing prevention programs should be gender noted. At the same time, many preventive measures have not given to the effect that they were expected to give. Especially ineffective is the struggle with membership in teenagers and youth groups (gang). Juvenile delinquency often mistakenly is considered to be an individual phenomenon, and the group aspect is almost ignored. However, delinquent acts are committed mostly by teens in the group, so the preventive work must not take into account the psychology of the individual, and group dynamics. It is also important to pay attention to the specifics of subcultural groups, which will be directed by preventive measures. Recent studies have shown that the differentiation of offenders and victims are usually not by sex and age, and gender differences. At the same time, whilst development of the programs to combat juvenile delinquency, gender police in practice is not considered. Also noteworthy development of the displacement problem of prevention programs from one socio-cultural environment to another. Thus, together with mentioned traditional methods of preventive work, now there are new promising strategies for prevention. Until they become part of a general practice, careful theoretical and practical testing of their capabilities and limitations. Ideas of social reform and work with the person as a priority has the impact on crime prevention and criminal behavior, including recidivism should not move to the background. Historical lessons have clearly demonstrated the lack of direct correlation between lower crime rates and the rate of punishment, as a fundamental means of coercion. In this context, the most acute issues differ from reorientation of criminal policy on the prevention of juvenile delinquency. A special place in this system will hold individual level to prevent delinquency behavior of juveniles. The society now is the witness of the policy of valueless policy. During the next twenty years the program of State Fund should be implemented to promote general social and common specially-criminological prevention ultimately realized by working with each individual juvenile.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Study Of Inheritable Traits In Fruit Flies Essay -- fruit fly geneti

A Study Of Inheritable Traits in Fruit Flies INTRODUCTION The Drosophila melanogaster, more commonly known as the fruit fly, is a popular species used in genetic experiments. In fact, Thomas Hunt Morgan began using Drosophila in the early 1900’s to study genes and their relation to certain chromosomes(Biology 263). Scientists have located over 500 genes on the four chromosomes in the fly. There are many advantages in using Drosophila for these types of studies. Drosophila melanogaster can lay hundreds of eggs after just one mating, and have a generation time of two weeks at 21Â °C(Genetics: Drosophila Crosses 9). Another reason for using fruit flies is that they mature rather quickly and don’t require very much space. Drosophila melanogaster has a life cycle of four specific stages. The first stage is the egg, which is about . 5mm long. In the 24 hours when the fly is in the egg stage, numerous cleavage nuclei form. Next, the egg hatches to reveal the larva. During this stage, growth and molting occur. Once growth is complete, the Drosophila enter the pupal stage, where it develops into an adult through metamorphosis. Upon reaching adulthood, the flies are ready to mate and produce the next generation of Drosophila melanogaster. During this experiment, monohybrid and dihybrid crosses were conducted with Drosophila melanogaster. Our objective was to examine the inheritance from one generation to the next. We collected the data from the crosses and analyzed them in relation to the expected results. MATERIALS AND METHODS For the monohybrid cross in this experiment, we used an F1 generation, which resulted from the mating of a male homozygous wild-type eyed fly with a female homozygous sepia eyed fly. Males and females are distinguished by differences in body shape and size. Males have a darker and rounder abdomen in comparison to females, which are more pointed. Another difference occurs on the forelegs of the flies—males have a small bump called sex combs. At week 0, after being anaesthitized by fly-nap, three males and three females were identified under a dissecting microscope and placed in a plastic vial with a foam stopper at the end. The vial remained on it’s side until the flies regained consciousness so that they didn’t get trapped by the culture medium at the bottom. We allowed the Drosophila to incub... ...eighed the number of males. This may imply that the X chromosome is dominant over the Y chromosome. This would cause the X chromosome to mix with another X chromosome, producing a female, more often than it would mix with the Y chromosome, which would produce a male. As a follow-up to the experiment, I would perform many more trials than each person did for this experiment. Also, more flies could be placed in each vial to ensure even more offspring to be included in the data. I would also be sure to remove the flies after just one week to reduce breeding between generations. This experiment caused Mendel’s findings to be more concrete and realistic in my mind. It made the information more than meaningless numbers. The experiment also made me realize how easily biological ideas can be proved. Our results agree with Mendel’s discoveries. The only drawback to our learning was the massacre of over 26,000 fruit flies. REFERENCES Campbell, Neil A., Biology: Fourth Edition. Menlo Park: Benjamin/Cummings, 1996. "Genetics: Drosophila Crosses." Lab Handouts, General Biology Lab, 2008. "So What’s a Monohybrid Cross Anyway?" Lab Handouts, General Biology Lab, 2008.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Identify two situations in which people would be expected to use the service described in the passage; and 6 summarize the main idea of the passage; discuss reasons why the business described in the passage seems likely to be a success. 8. Complete the exercise that follows. Writing in Chinese, use the space provided to narrate an incident or event that you experienced as a student in high school or college.In your response you may include, but are not limited to, the following information. When the incident or event took place here the incident or event took place the circumstances in which the incident or event took place 7 9. Imagine that a friend from a country associated with Chinese is considering enrolling in a postgraduate program at a college or university in the general area where you are currently living and has asked you to provide some information about the area in which you live. Write a letter in Chinese to your friend responding to this request for information.In your letter you must include, but are not limited to, the following topics: 8 a brief description of some important features of the area in which you live (for example, climate, natural features, distribution of people, mix of population, regional differences within the state, cultural amenities, educational and medical facilities, recreational and entertainment options); and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of living and going to school in your area. 10. Read the instructions below.You will have two minutes to study these instructions. Then, when you are told to do so, begin to respond in Mandarin. You may take up to two minutes to complete your response. You will be told when the two minutes are up. You may begin studying the instructions now. You will be told when to begin peaking. (The examine will read in the test booklet:) Imagine that a friend from a country associated with Chinese has been offered a Job in a city near where you live, and asks your opinion on the p ros and cons of living and working in your area.Speaking in Mandarin, discuss the advantages and but are not limited to, the following topics: a brief description of some of the important features of the area in which you live (for recreational and entertainment options); and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in your area. (The examine will have two minutes to study the instructions above; then two minutes to respond on audiotape. ) 9 11. Imagine that you are attending a summer institute at a university in a country associated with Chinese.You are asked to speak to a group of students about your previous college experiences. Speaking in Mandarin, describe a college or university you have attended. In your response you may include, but are not limited to, the following topics: a description of a college or university you have attended; an explanation of why you chose to attend that college or university; an analysis of what you liked and disliked a bout the college or university. Cool Ice free northwest passage for half the year, flooded cities in Asia (Bengal), raciness, severe drought affecting food production, emergence of new deserts, etc. 4. ) How are warmer temperatures affecting the migration of crops? Champagne region of France is becoming too warm for traditional champagne grapes, so they are starting to grow them in England, along with olive trees. 5. ) What is involved in the carbon footprint a common product such as a cheeseburger?All the energy consumed to make up the component parts of the cheeseburger and the greenhouse gases produced as a result= the feedstock for cattle, growing lettuce, wheat for bun, milking the cattle, processing milk for cheese, ND processing cattle for meat, trucking (transporting) the various parts, keeping the meat cold, plus methane gas produced by the cattle 6. ) So, what is the carbon footprint off cheeseburger in the US? 200 million metric tones, more than all the Subs In the united States 7. How might an Increase of DC affect the planet? Rapid changes in the biosphere, especially marine life of the oceans, dying off of coral reefs, flooding of island states, melting of Grassland's glaciers, etc. 8. ) What significant ocean system could break down that could magnify the warming effect? Carbon sink provided by tiny sea creatures that absorb carbon dioxide from which they build their shells, but warmer water changes Its coldly which dissolves their shells and prevents them from forming new ones.This loss in turn will affect the marine life food change and loss of biodiversity. When the oceans can no longer absorb Carbon dioxide it will escape into the atmosphere adding to the levels of the atmosphere. 9. ) What Is a glacial Million and why are they so dangerous In terms of speeding up straight through to the bottom of the glacier creating a hydroplane on which huge asses of ice get propelled faster into the sea where it will melt and add its mass to ocean levels. 10. ) How much would the melted Gree nland Ice field raise sea levels by? M which would flood London, Bangkok, New York Shanghai, etc. 1 1 . ) In what way is the melting of Arctic Ice such a concern and a potential â€Å"runaway train†? Lack of ice means more sunlight can be absorbed by the oceans which in means less heat is reflected back into space, creating even more heat and more melting†¦ The warmer it gets the faster it gets warmer. 12. ) How much warmer does it eve to get before we are arguably at a â€Å"tipping† point of climate change? ICC 13. ) What major changes will a ICC warming cause for the planet?Arctic is ice free all summer, Amazon rainforest's dries out, snow caps on the Alps disappear, El Onion's extreme weather becomes normal, heat waves would be the norm, temperatures in Europe would more like what is currently typical of the middle east, etc. 14. ) What was the first global warming disaster to affect a wealthy nation in 2003 and what was the impact? A heat wave across Europe t hat killed 30 000 people, over 14 000 of them in France over a period of a few weeks. On August 10th alone, 2500 to 3000 people died, mostly elderly. 15. What else happened during the 2003 headwater that was an indication of another unforeseen side affect of warming? Trees and other vegetation started to release carbon dioxide instead of being able to absorb it as photosynthesis broke down. 16. ) What ominous changes occurred in the Amazon river basin in 2005? Tributaries dried up, forest fires spread and killed large quantities of trees needed to produce rainfall, therefore making conditions drier. 17. ) What conditions are common to El Ion patterns and how might a ICC warmer limited be affected by them?Trade winds and ocean currents move east instead of west across the Pacific bringing torrential rainstorms to South America and drought to Australia and Indonesia, with ICC warming this could mean even more energy to drive hurricanes whose fuel is warm ocean water. 18. ) What would the planet be like with a ICC average global warming? Delta areas, home to a billion people will be flooded, other areas will become deserts, west Antarctic ice would melt, major losses of fresh water such as the glacial source of the holy Ganges River in India. Compared to developed countries?Developing countries like India, Indonesia, etc. Do not necessarily have the billions of dollars that would be needed to invest in hydrophilic dams like developed countries such as England has. 20. ) How many refugees might there be with warming of ICC? Ass's of millions of climate refugees. 21 . ) What would the consequences of an average global warming of ICC be? There could be mass extinctions, ocean wastelands, massive desertification on land, a global catastrophe 22. ) What is ironic about our current global warming crisis due to the burning of fossil fuels, given the Earth's past history?The last major mass extinction occurred due to global warming, whereby the earth corrected its climat e imbalance by the â€Å"killing† off of mass quantities of life that were then buried by eroded material. This corrected the abundance of CO levels in the atmosphere by â€Å"sinking† them. The irony is that we have extracted them now as our sources of fossil fuels, and are releasing that stored carbon into the atmosphere as we burn them for energy, creating a previous cycle that led to mass extinction. 23. ) What are some practical changes we must make in order to prevent warming of this scale?Reducing the use of energy that uses fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases, use energy more efficiently, such as unplugging appliances to avoid wasted â€Å"vampire† energy draws, doubling fuel efficiency of vehicles, using solar power, wind power, tidal power, geothermal energy, etc. Starting now! 24. ) How much time do scientists believe we have to avoid going over the tipping point into accelerated global warming and climate change? As little as 10 years 25. ) Mak e a commitment: what 5 things can you commit to changing in your lifestyle to reduce your ecological footprint and cut down on energy consumption? Answers will vary. Discuss.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Paper Islam

Paper Islam Paper Islam Caroline McDaniel World Civilization Ms. Reif March 1 2015 Women in Islam The dress code of women in Islam is a very important part of life. A hijab is a veil that covers the head and chest, which is particularly worn by some Muslim women beyond the age of puberty in the presence of adult males outside of their immediate family. Muslim women choose to wear the hijab or other coverings for a variety of reasons. Some women wear the hijab because they believe that God has instructed them to wear it as a means of fulfilling His commandment for modesty (arabsinamerica). Muhammad and the beginning of Islam changed the status of women by issuing new laws based on what was recorded in the Qur’an, which is the holy book for Muslims. The Qur’an gained many more rights for women. A women could refuse a marriage proposal, but cultural and social pressures often forced her to comply with her parents’ wishes. A women could own property, but the only property that she truly owned were the gifts she received from her husband at marriage and her dowry, which was her family money. (Esherick 33). Some quotes from the Qur’an are â€Å"Muhammad taught that women had rights similar to men, but that men were ultimately stronger and had more authority. Muhammad taught that men could admonish their wives, refuse to share a bed with them, and beat them lightly so as not to injure them.† (Qur’an 2:228). (Esherick 48) Muslim societies have required women to cover themselves more modestly than men, covering not only their heads but also most of their bodies and even their faces. Examples of clothing that Islamic women would wear are a burqa, a mask that covers a women’s face. Young girls are not required to cover themselves with a burka. They are required to wear it when they are in public or in a presence of men who are not family members. (Pendergast 77). A chador which is a full – covering shroud worn mostly by rural women. A caftan which is full- length, loose- fitting robe with long slee ves. An Abaya, an outer garment made of tightly fitting cotton gauze, usually back, that covers the entire body and head. It is worn over other clothing. The Jilbab that is a cloak or loose outer garment that covers everything but the eyes. (Esherick 60). Some exceptions to the clothing rules are that Arab women are allowed to wear form- fitting clothing when they are with only their husbands, in their homes, around certain immediate family members, with only believing women, women who follow the same rules, and caring infants or small children