Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Paper Islam

Paper Islam Paper Islam Caroline McDaniel World Civilization Ms. Reif March 1 2015 Women in Islam The dress code of women in Islam is a very important part of life. A hijab is a veil that covers the head and chest, which is particularly worn by some Muslim women beyond the age of puberty in the presence of adult males outside of their immediate family. Muslim women choose to wear the hijab or other coverings for a variety of reasons. Some women wear the hijab because they believe that God has instructed them to wear it as a means of fulfilling His commandment for modesty (arabsinamerica). Muhammad and the beginning of Islam changed the status of women by issuing new laws based on what was recorded in the Qur’an, which is the holy book for Muslims. The Qur’an gained many more rights for women. A women could refuse a marriage proposal, but cultural and social pressures often forced her to comply with her parents’ wishes. A women could own property, but the only property that she truly owned were the gifts she received from her husband at marriage and her dowry, which was her family money. (Esherick 33). Some quotes from the Qur’an are â€Å"Muhammad taught that women had rights similar to men, but that men were ultimately stronger and had more authority. Muhammad taught that men could admonish their wives, refuse to share a bed with them, and beat them lightly so as not to injure them.† (Qur’an 2:228). (Esherick 48) Muslim societies have required women to cover themselves more modestly than men, covering not only their heads but also most of their bodies and even their faces. Examples of clothing that Islamic women would wear are a burqa, a mask that covers a women’s face. Young girls are not required to cover themselves with a burka. They are required to wear it when they are in public or in a presence of men who are not family members. (Pendergast 77). A chador which is a full – covering shroud worn mostly by rural women. A caftan which is full- length, loose- fitting robe with long slee ves. An Abaya, an outer garment made of tightly fitting cotton gauze, usually back, that covers the entire body and head. It is worn over other clothing. The Jilbab that is a cloak or loose outer garment that covers everything but the eyes. (Esherick 60). Some exceptions to the clothing rules are that Arab women are allowed to wear form- fitting clothing when they are with only their husbands, in their homes, around certain immediate family members, with only believing women, women who follow the same rules, and caring infants or small children

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